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An eGFP-Col4a2 mouse model reveals basement membrane dynamics underlying hair follicle morphogenesis

Wuergezhen D, Gindroz E, Morita R, Hashimoto K, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Fujiwara H.
J Cell Biol (2025) 224 (2) e202404003. Epub 2024 Dec 10. DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202404003 [Paper]

Ex vivo SIM-AFM measurements reveal the spatial correlation of stiffness and molecular distributions in 3D living tissue

Shioka I, Morita R, Yagasaki R, Wuergezhen D, Yamashita T, Fujiwara H, Okuda S.
Acta Biomater (2024) 189. 351–365. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2024.09.023 [Paper]

Dynamic duo: Cell-extracellular matrix interactions in hair follicle development and regeneration

Fujiwara H.
Dev Biol (2024) 516. 20–34. DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2024.07.012 [Paper]

Oncogenic Kras induces spatiotemporally specific tissue deformation through converting pulsatile into sustained ERK activation

Xin T, Gallini S, Wei H, Gonzalez DG, Matte-Martone C, Machida H, Fujiwara H, Pasolli HA, Suozzi KC, Gonzalez LE, Regot S, Greco V.
Nat Cell Biol (2024) 26 (6) 859–867. doi: 10.1038/s41556-024-01413-y [Paper]

Constructing a Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Hair Cycle to Decipher Tissue Regeneration Dynamics in Human Skin

Yokota J, Gomi T, Harada Y, Yo K, Ahn K, Sanzen N, Machida H, Shirai Y, Fujiwara H
Available at SSRN (2023): or

Col4a2-eGFP mouse model reveals the molecular and functional dynamics of basement membrane remodelling in hair follicle morphogenesis

Wuergezhen D, Gindroz E, Morita R, Hashimoto K, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Fujiwara H
bioRxiv (2023) [Paper]

Tracing the developmental origin of tissue stem cells

Morita R, Fujiwara H
Dev Growth Differ. (2022) Oct 10. doi: 10.1111/dgd.12816. Online ahead of print. [Paper

Tracing the origin of hair follicle stem cells

Morita R, Sanzen N, Sasaki H, Hayashi T, Umeda M, Yoshimura M, Yamamoto T, Shibata T, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Furuta Y, Nikaido I, Fujiwara H
Nature 594, 547–552 (2021). [Paper]

- Featured in -
Nature, NEWS AND VIEWS: "A 4D road map for the formation of hair follicles". Saxena N & Rendl M [Link]

RIKEN Research Highlight: "A telescopic model of the development of hair follicles" [Link]
RIKEN and JST Press Release (Japanese): 「毛包幹細胞の起源を解明」 [Link], [Link]

テルモ生命科学振興財団 今注目の最先端研究・技術探検「毛髪をつくり出す幹細胞の発生起源を解明」 [Link]

Dive into BDR's intriguing research [Link], BDRの研究 ネホリハホリ [Link]
- Media coverage -
NHK (Japanese) [Link], 朝日新聞デジタル (Japanese) [Link], (Japanese) [Link], Science Portal (Japanese) [Link], マイナビニュース (Japanese) [Link], etc.

Mapping the molecular and structural specialization of the skin basement membrane for inter-tissue interactions

Tsutsui K, Machida H, Nakagawa A, Ahn K, Morita R, Sekiguchi K, Miner JH, Fujiwara H
Nature Communications 12, 2577 (2021). [Paper]


- Featured in -
RIKEN Research Highlight: "Basement membrane underpins tissue interactions in the skin" [Link]

RIKEN Press Release (Japanese):「異種組織を一体化する細胞外環境の特性を解明」 [Link]

- Media coverage -
日刊工業新聞 (Japanese):「異なる細胞同士接続 理研など、たんぱく質の特性解明」 [Link]

Vasculature-driven stem cell population coordinates tissue scaling in dynamic organs

Ichijo R, Kabata M, Kidoya H, Muramatsu F, Ishibashi R, Abe K, Tsutsui K, Kubo H, Iizuka Y, Kitano S, Miyachi H, Kubota Y, Fujiwara H, Sada A, Yamamoto T, Toyoshima F

Science Advances. 7(7):eabd2575 (2021). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abd257 [Paper]

Subpopulation identification for single-cell RNA-sequencing data using functional data analysis

Ahn K and Fujiwara H
bioRxiv (2019). doi: [Paper]

Multi-tasking epidermal stem cells: Beyond epidermal maintenance

Fujiwara H, Tsutsui K, Morita R
Dev Growth Differ. 60, 531–541 (2018). [Paper]

Hair follicle epidermal stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation

Cheng CC§, Tsutsui K§, Taguchi T§, Sanzen N, Nakagawa A, Kakiguchi K, Yonemura S, Tanegashima C, Keeley SD, Kiyonari H, Furuta Y, Tomono Y, Watt FM, Fujiwara H. (§ equally contributed to this work)
eLife. 7:e38883 (2018). [Paper]


- Featured in -

RIKEN Research Highlight: "Hair follicle stem cells secrete protein that controls the skin’s sense of touch" [Link]

RIKEN Press Release (Japanese): 「皮膚で触覚が生まれる仕組みの一端を解明」 [Link]

Epidermal Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates adipocyte differentiation via secretion of adipogenic factors

Donati G, Proserpio V, Lichtenberger BM, Natsuga K, Sinclair R, Fujiwara H*, Watt FM*. (*joint corresponding author)
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111 (15): E1501-1509 (2014). [Paper]


- Featured in -

CDB News: "Epidermal Wnt/β-catenin signal regulates adipocyte differentiation in underlying hypodermis" [Link]

CDBニュース: 「表皮のWntシグナル経路が真皮の脂肪細胞分化を誘導」 [Link]

Cutaneous Extracellular Matrix

Fujiwara H.
Skin Biology; The Biomedical & Life Science Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London. Tobin DJ. edited (2014). [Talk]

The basement membrane of hair follicle stem cells is a muscle cell niche

Fujiwara H, Ferreira M, Donati G, Marciano DK, Linton JM, Sato Y, Hartner A, Sekiguchi K, Reichardt LF, Watt FM.
Cell. 144(4): 577-589 (2011). [Paper]


- Featured in -
1) PaperClip in Cell. (2011) “How Do Goosebumps Form?” [PaperClip]
2) Nature News & Views: Morgan BA (2011) “Developmental Biology: A hair-raising tale” Nature. 471: 586-587 [Paper]
3) Editors’ Picks in J Invest Dermatol (2011) 131, 1591. “Beneath the goosebumps” [Paper]
4) Minireview: Jahoda CAB and Christiano AM. (2011) Niche crosstalk: Intercellular signals at the hair follicle. Cell. 146: 678-681. [Paper]

Cell-extracellular matrix interactions in normal and diseased skin

Watt FM, Fujiwara H.
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. Apr 1;3(4) (2011). [Paper]

An activating β1 integrin mutation increases the conversion of benign to malignant skin tumors

Ferreira M, Fujiwara H, Morita K, Watt FM.
Cancer Res. 69(4):1334-1342 (2009). [Paper]


* Featured in Nature Reviews Cancer 9, 233 (2009): “Metastasis: A malignant mutation” [Paper]


Regulation of mesodermal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells by basement membranes

Fujiwara H, Hayashi Y, Sanzen N, Weber C, Emoto T, Futaki S, Niwa H, Murray P, Edgar D, Sekiguchi K.
J Biol Chem. 282(40):29701-29711 (2007). [Paper]

Brain α-dystroglycan displays unique glycoepitopes and preferential binding to laminin-10/11

McDearmon E, Combs A, Sekiguchi K, Fujiwara H, Ervasti J.
FEBS Lett. 580(14):3381-3385 (2006).

A novel large-scale production system for modified basement membrane matrices using gene-swapped parietal endoderm cells

Hayashi Y, Weber CN, Emoto T, Fujiwara H, Sanzen N, Futaki S, Sekiguchi K
Matrix Biol. 25(2):85-88 (2005).

Downregulation of laminin α4 chain expression inhibits glioma invasion in vitro and in vivo

Nagato S, Nakagawa K, Harada H, Kohno S, Fujiwara H, Sekiguchi K, Ohue S, Iwata S, Ohnishi T.
Int J Cancer. 117(1):41-50 (2005).

Rac regulates integrin-mediated endothelial cell adhesion and migration on laminin-8

Fujiwara H, Gu J, Sekiguchi K.
Exp Cell Res. 292(1):67-77 (2004).

Characterization of the ligand-binding specificities of integrin α3β1 and α6β1 using a panel of purified laminin isoforms containing distinct α chains

Nishiuchi R, Murayama O, Fujiwara H, Gu J, Kawakami T, Aimoto S, Wada Y, Sekiguchi K.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 134(4):497-504 (2003).

Antisense inhibition of laminin-8 expression reduces invasion of human gliomas in vitro

Khazenzon NM, Ljubimov AV, Lakhter AJ, Fujita M, Fujiwara H, Sekiguchi K, Sorokin LM, Petajaniemi N, Virtanen I, Black KL, Ljubimova JY.
Mol Cancer Ther. 2(10):985-994 (2003).

Laminin expression patterns in human ureteral tissue

Hattori K, Mabuchi R, Fujiwara H, Sanzen N, Sekiguchi K, Kawai K, Akaza H.
J Urol. 170(5):2040-2043 (2003).

Identification and recombinant production of human laminin α4 subunit splice variants

Hayashi Y, Kim KH, Fujiwara H, Shimono C, Yamashita M, Sanzen N, Futaki S, Sekiguchi K.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 299(3):498-504 (2002).

Localization of laminin α4-chain in developing and adult human tissues

Petajaniemi N, Korhonen M, Kortesmaa J, Tryggvason K, Sekiguchi K, Fujiwara H, Sorokin L, Thornell LE, Wondimu Z, Assefa D, Patarroyo M, Virtanen I.
J Histochem Cytochem. 50(8):1113-1130 (2002).

Purification and characterization of human laminin-8. Laminin-8 stimulates cell adhesion and migration through α3β1 and α6β1 integrins

Fujiwara H, Kikkawa Y, Sanzen N, Sekiguchi K.
J Biol Chem. 276(20):17550-17558 (2001).

Integrin binding specificity of laminin-10/11: laminin-10/11 are recognized by α3β1, α6β1 and α6β4 integrins

Kikkawa Y, Sanzen N, Fujiwara H, Sonnenberg A, Sekiguchi K.
J Cell Sci. 113 (Pt 5):869-876 (2000).

Reviews in Japanese journals and Book chapters



森田梨津子、藤原裕展 (2021)
実験医学 39(16): 2585–2589

表皮幹細胞がニッチとして機能する (Epidermal stem cells act as a niche)

藤原裕展 (Fujiwara H) (2020)
再生医療 19(1): 13–27 (Regenerative Medicine 19(1): 13–27)


筒井仰、藤原裕展. (2019)
自動車技術 超の世界. 100–101, 73(10), 2019


筒井仰、待田大輝、藤原裕展. (2019)
毛髪科学の新展開, 39–47


筒井仰、藤原裕展. (2018)
わかりやすい感覚器疾患. 76-77


藤原裕展. (2018)
コスメティックステージ. 12 (3): 1-7


藤原裕展. (2013)
細胞工学. 32 (10):

皮膚の幹細胞と再生医療 (Skin stem cells and regenerative medicine)

藤原裕展 (2013)
The Frontiers in Life Science: 幹細胞研究と再生医療 編集: 中内啓光. p208-222
(Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine: Edited by Hiromitsu Nakauchi)


藤原裕展, Watt FM. (2011)
細胞工学. 30 (6): 644-645


藤原裕展, 関口清俊. (2008)
細胞工学. 27 (4): 321-325


藤原裕展, 関口清俊. (2008)
(生体の科学; Japanese). 59 (2): 111-117

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